What Are Workflow Management Rules?

Workflow management rules allow companies to define their business processes without extensive programming knowledge. These rules allow organizations to automate the process of completing tasks that must be completed, and also provide a way to identify potential issues with a process in real-time.

In a workflow rule, the evaluation criteria are set to determine the exact time the rule should be implemented. The criteria can be based on a variety of parameters, including field values and record types as well as the ownership of records and more. Workflow rules can be set to trigger actions based on events related to notes within the particular module. For instance, a company could create a rule to trigger when notes are added or modified, so that it’s easy for support teams to keep track of mentions by competitors in emails and respond quickly.

Once a rule is triggered it can trigger either an immediate action or a scheduled one. Instant actions are activated within minutes after the rule has been activated. Scheduled actions are activated later.

The scheduled action will be executed at the time and date configured. The action could be an email notification or field update, task, webhook, or function. You can also select any email notifications, tasks, field updates or webhooks www.managingworkflow.org/2020/07/28/workflow-manage-with-workflow-management-by-board-room/ to be associated with the scheduled action. You can also choose tags that will be used to filter recorded data for this action.